Map of PCBL Affiliate Members
Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries is proud to announce the upcoming fifth Friends Institute, an excellent learning opportunity and the day will include ample opportunity to network with other Friends, both old and new.
The day-long workshop will kick off with an exciting and informative presentation by our keynote speaker Michael Kumer, Principal of BoardsMTO (Made To Order). Michael has vast experience in working with nonprofits in general and libraries specifically. His keynote presentation, 'A’ is for Advocacy, will focus on creating and implementing an effective Advocacy Blueprint custom designed to help the library make (and keep) an abundance of friends and build an armada of community of support. Michael will also present the hands-on breakout session From Theory to Practice; Get Out There and Advocate.
The other five breakout sessions will cover topics on when to collect sales tax, how to handle small games of chance, selling books online, how to keep and revitalize Friends, how to organize a Junior Friends Group, Library Foundations vs Friends Groups, and the use of social media by Friends. Since there are three concurrent sessions at one time, consider sending more than one person to the Institute to cover all of the topics.
PCBL will also be presenting their annual awards (Friend of the Year and the Friends Groups of the Year).
The PCBL Annual Meeting will be held after the Institute and all Friends are welcome to attend.
There will be a Swap Table where Friends Groups can provide copies of their newsletters, brochures, posters, etc for the taking. This is a great way to learn what other Friends Groups have done.
Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries
2018 Friends Institute
“Friends are Library Advocates”
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Pittsburgh Marriott North
9:00 – 9:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 – 10:00 Welcome and Introduction to PCBL
Greg Thomas, President, PCBL
Presentation of Friends Group of the Year Award
Presentation of Friend of the Year Award
10:00 – 11:00 General Session: “A” is for Advocacy
Michael Kummer, Principal, BoardsMTO (Made To Order)
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:15 Concurrent Sessions
Session 1: From Theory to Practice; Get Out There and Advocate
Michael Kummer, Principal, BoardsMTO (Made to Order)
Session 2: That’s Worth How Much? Tools and Tips for Online Bookselling Through Amazon
Brandt Ensor, Director, Jean Barnett Trone Memorial Library
Session 3: Organizing Friends Groups and Junior Friends Groups
Janet Miller, President Friends of the Shaler North Hills Library
12:15– 1:15 Lunch
1:15 – 2:15 Concurrent Sessions
Session 4: Sales Tax; When to Charge It
Tom Cully, Sales and Use Tax Audit Supervisor
Small Games of Chance
Diane Marburger, County Treasurer, Butler County
Session 5: Friends Group or Foundation?
Valerie Golik, Foundation Director, Rita Martin, Board Member, Laura Stember, Board Member, Northland Public Library
Session 6: Leverage Social Media and Other Free Tools to Support and Grow Your Program
Dr. Stephanie Pennucci, Education Librarian/Assistant Professor, Millersville University
2:15 Adjourn
2:30 PCBL Annual Meeting
Open to all Friends – Everyone is welcome to attend and see how PCBL works
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